Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bloom Day : March

In the spirit of bloom day (read more) heres some photos:

Hebe Abbey Rose

Hebe Abbey Rose

Correa glabra x decumbens

Correa glabra x decumbens

Acacia in flower


Correa Glabra 17 01 2007

Correa Glabra


Dietes Iridioides

There are also a couple of the Grevilleas with small flowers and some big red Pelagoniums near the washing line. But I don't have any photos of these yet. The last two photos were taken awhile ago. But the Dietes (there are three of these in total) bloomed again on the and the Correa Glabra never stopped flowering .


Carol Michel said...

Pretty flowers, but I would sure be lost in your garden. These are all new to me!

Thanks for participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.

geekglue said...

Thanks Carol. Bloom Day is a wonderful idea. Thanks for making it happen. The Dietes and Hebe are drought hardy imports. The rest are natives. I've probably gone a bit overboard with the Correas. But there are so many interesting varieties around and they flourish in the dry. So it's hard to say no.

Christa said...

Very enjoyable to see some flowers that are growing in the southern hemisphere -- they're all new to me, too. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos.

Anonymous said...

I love acacia.

The Correa Glabra looks like a cuphea. Is it related?

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...


What lovely flowers you've got inspite of the drought. Thanks for sharing!

Your flowers are very diffent from mine, have you seen the ones that I grow?

It's fun to see the variety in flowers that gardeners all over the world grow.

geekglue said...

Thanks to Christa, Pam and Yolanda. Pam, I can see there is certainly a similarity between the Correa and Cuphea. But it would seem that is where there relationship ends.

Yolanda, I always read yours posts. I often intend to offer a comment. But seem to run out of time. I was envious of all your blooms.